Friday, 23 May 2008


I’ve suffered from Insomnia for quite a few years now. I get to sleep fine but then wake up in the early hours of the morning and then cant get back to sleep straight away. Its called frequent nocturnal awakening. I usually get up and either read, surf the Internet or see if there’s something on the TV worth watching. It’s very rare that I sleep all the way through to a normal waking time, but when I do I feel so refreshed and rested. I do have some herbal sleeping tablets but its very rare for me to take one of these.

I’ve stopped having too much caffeine, I’ve cut out Cola from my diet completely, and its not made a difference to my sleep pattern but has helped me drop a few pounds in weight. So that’s not a bad thing. I sprinkle drops of lavender oil on my pillow, which helps me get to sleep but doesn’t stop me from waking up.

Although I wake up tired after insomnia nights, it doesn’t last for too long. Once I’ve had my morning coffee and my bath I feel fine. I no longer stress about my waking moments, I just take it to be part of my normal sleep pattern. No point stressing. I just look at it being an extra hour of ‘me’ time before I go back to sleep. Last night I saw a fantastic film, which I wouldn’t have if I had slept through. An Everlasting Piece, with Barry McEvoy and Anna Friel. It’s a comedy and set in Northern Ireland at the times of the troubles. Its about two friends who are barbers, one is Catholic and one Protestant, they go into the business of selling wigs and get into all sorts of problems. Lots of great humour in it, well worth a watch.

Thanks to N who did some research and let me know that under the Countryside Act its ok to pick wild flowers but not to dig them up. So if I see anyone doing that again by the river or woodlands I will be sure to let them know! A couple of weeks ago I saw a lady with a bucket and a spade digging up the lovely bluebells on the river bank next to where I live. Wish I had known that information then.

I’ve started the ball rolling this week towards taking a degree in Counselling. I’ve decided to drop the diploma after advice that the law will be changing and a degree would be a better qualification if im serious about this. Which I am. I have to do a pre degree course first, and have applied and it’s being run locally which is a bonus. Will keep you posted how it goes.

Hey, maybe I can use my Insomnia Hour to do a bit of homework!

Have a great bank holiday weekend and chat soon.

1 comment:

Col said...
