Thursday, 29 May 2008

Sex and the City was FAB FAB FAB!! Went and saw it with my usual film buddy last night, the gorgeous D.

Ive not watched the complete six series but want to go through them again now.

The film has had its critics, but myself and my girlfriend really enjoyed it. Audience clapped the opening titles as well as the end ones, and of course was a full house as first night opening in local cinema.

There were tears and laughter, and that was just me and my mate! LOL Of course it had lots of designer references, but it wasnt gawdy and the relationship between the four friends in times of happyness and sadness was so touching. The film was more about the relationship between Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda, and how they helped and supported each other.

It made me think about the lovely ladies I have as friends in my life. And without some of them this past year I probably wouldn’t be in such a good place as I am now, emotionally. They have been worth their weight in chocolate, and I make sure I tell them so.

And the men in it, yum yum. Quite a few sex scenes and gorgeous mens bottoms. Im in lust with Jason Lewis who was Smith Jerrod, the guy who did that lovely Aero advert in just a towel.

I recommend it and give it a 9/10.

Sorry didn’t save you any popcorn.

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