Monday, 26 May 2008

Bonk Holiday

They forcasted bad weather in the South this Bank Holiday. Why do they always get it wrong? I had a house (flat) guest this weekend and had planned for the weather to be bad. However, it was glorious on Saturday and Sunday, then today (Monday) its rained virtually non stop.

Nope Ive not made a spelling mistake in my title. I declared this Bank Holiday as Bonk Holiday.

Now let me tell you a story, hope your sitting comfortably. About 20 years ago I worked for a Finance Company in Croydon. I was going through a divorce, married young, divorced young, no kids. I was part of a great admin team, and there was a team of male sales staff we hid in the basement. Now fast forward to recently, I was contacted on Facebook by someone I used to work with there. A guy who tells me he had the hots for me, but I just never saw the signals, probably because I was anti men at the time due to the divorce thing.

Well we met up over a month ago, and got on really well. So well that this weekend he came to stay, so hence Bonk Holiday. It wasn't all bonking, we talked lots and listened to music (our tastes are a tad different), and went down to Brighton and generally had a great time. Told him that he must be the most patient man on earth, having to wait nearly 20 years for a kiss!

We live in different parts of the country so for now good friendship and occasional bonking seems to be on the cards.

Its rather nice tho.

1 comment:

Ms Robinson said...

Hello, welcome to blogland. There are many good people here as well as some odd ones but the main thing is to enjoy yourself.