Tuesday, 7 April 2009


Do men make passes at girls that wear glasses? I jolly well hope so lol

Ive had glasses for reading and computer for just under two years. Around two months ago I noticed when driving that my long sight vision was slightly blurred. I took myself off to a well known chain of Opticians, the ones that do the offer on two for one, and had an extensive eye test. I remember when you just sat in a chair and had a card over one eye and had to read off the letters/numbers of a card on the facing wall. Its all gadgets and gizmos now.

One of the machines takes a picture of the back of your eye and you can see it on the screen, looked like something out of a medical text book. Eyes all healthy, which is good. However, eyesight not so great. Now have to have glasses for driving and long distance, and another pair for reading and computer work. My original pair of glasses are now too strong for me, as my eyesight has altered.

What was really fun was choosing two new frames. I collected my new glasses on Sunday and have been showing them off. But they dont look like the ones in the picture ;o)

x x x

1 comment:

The Queen said...

I never had to wear glasses but I think girls look sexy with them!