Tuesday, 24 February 2009


Thought I would tell you some of my secrets, a little bit more about me. But only one at a time.

Secret number 1 is that to cheer myself up I love to blow bubbles. The type that are meant for children. I’m not totally sure what it is about them, but the act of blowing and creating these bubbles and to then see them gently fall in the air, and finally pop gives me a happy feeling.

Used to buy them at Woolworths, so think I need to find new supplier!

x x x

Tuesday, 17 February 2009

ICE - In Case Of Emergency

Ive seen this before and thought it was a brilliant idea, and something we can use. Ive come across it again on Facebook, and here is the info:

ICE (In Case of Emergency) IdeaThe “ICE” idea, is catching on and it is a
very simple, yet important method of contact for you or a loved one in case of
an emergency. As cell phones are carried by the majority of the Population, all
you need to do is program the number of a contact person or persons and store
the name as “ICE”.

The idea was thought up by a paramedic who found that when they went to
the scenes of accidents, there were always mobile phones with patients, but they
didn’t know which numbers to call. He therefore thought that it would be a good
idea if there was a nationally recognized name to file “next of kin”

Following a disaster in London the East Anglican Ambulance Service has
launched a national “In case of Emergency (ICE)” campaign. The idea is that you
store the word “ICE” in your mobile phone address book and with it enter the
number of the person you would want to be contacted “In Case of Emergency “. In
an emergency situation, Emergency Services personnel and hospital staff would
then be able to quickly contact your next of kin, by simply dialing the number
programmed under “ICE”.

Please forward this.

Saturday, 14 February 2009

Happy Valentines Day

So how am I spending my Valentines Day? Popping antibiotics, sleeping and keeping warm under my duvet. Drinking plenty of fluids, upping my vitamin C intake and sucking on real fruit ice lollies. Ive got an ear infection as well as tonsillitis. Though don’t know how I can have tonsillitis as I had them removed at the age of 5. Apparently not all the gland was removed, so they still swell up just like tonsils. Sorry for those out there who are squeamish.

I thought I would tell you the story about my very first Valentines Card. I was 13 years old when I got my very first Valentines Card, at the end of a school day when I had given up of anyone being my secret admirer. My best mate C had got a huge card at the beginning of the school day, from the best looking guy in our class. Lucky girl. At school I was quite timid, and just wanted to not really be noticed. Get through the school day, and then go home, and if I was lucky I might get a few words from the popular ones in my class.

In my History class I sat next to a girl called J, she was very sweet and we sat at a double desk right at the front of the class. Next to me across the isle was a guy called M. He was part of a gang we called the Hair Bear Bunch (after the tv programme) as they all had long hair and were into heavy rock music. He was an ok guy, but not someone I wanted to go out with, and he had asked me several times. Why didn’t I want to go out with him? Peer pressure, the popular ones in my class would have laughed their school ties off!

One day, long before Valentines it was pointed out to me by dear J that my name was written all over M’s books and pencil case. Oh the horror! On this particular Valentines Day I was waiting in the school foyer for my best friend C, she would walk me to my bus stop as she just lived around the corner. Suddenly J appears, looking all hot and flushed as she had thought she had missed me, and had been charged with the responsibility of giving me my Valentines Card.
I opened it, and it was signed Lord Shaftsbury with some lovely words in it. We were learning about Lord Shaftsbury in our History class and how he improved working hours and environments for children who worked in factories in Victorian times. As it was signed this way I instantly knew who the card had come from. I was well chuffed, my very first Valentines Card. Someone actually liked me enough to get me a card, and at that age it was very important to receive one, even if you made something up. But I didn’t need to make it up.

I never let on that I knew the card was from M, and I cant remember if he asked me out again after that or not. I kept that card for quite a few years, in my little keep sake box.

Hope you have a lovely day.

x x x

Thursday, 5 February 2009

The Reader - Film Review

Went to see this film last Friday evening with my best buddie Debs. Its not what I would call a feel good film, but it is a film that will make you think. I certainly recommend it.

It begins in 1995 in Berlin where Michael Berg (Ralph Fiennes) is in his apartment, where he has a flashback to his 15 year old self (David Kross) meets Hanna Schmitz (Kate Winslet) who is a tram conductor and much older than him. Hannah helps Michael when he falls ill, and after a three month illness Michael returns to thank Hannah, and so their affair begins.

You see Michael growing from a boy to a man, in more ways than one! Hannah likes him to read to her, and hence the title of the film. The film goes from Michaels time with Hannah, modern day and then back to when Michael was a law student and watched Hannah’s trial. When their affair has finished Hannah moved on and became a guard at Auschwitz. She is on trial, and we watch how she is treated by her fellow defendants and how Michael reacts to her disclosures. Michael has a moral dilema, what will he do? Although Hannah was part of something very terrible, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her as her story unfolded. She chose to be a guard, but circumstances in her life gave her no choice in some of her actions. Back to the 1995, can Michael make amends for his decisions at the time of the trial?

Very thought provoking and greatly played by Kate Winslet, who ages before your eyes.

If you see it hope you enjoy.

x x

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Ice Maiden

Those that have met me will know I’m not frigid or indeed an ice maiden. But today I’m stuck at home as its just too icy outside to venture out. Really pleased that on Sunday I did my shopping and stocked up on lots of goodies. It was my brothers birthday on Saturday and on Sunday evening we had a lovely family meal. As it had only been very light snow during the day I decided that it would be ok to go. But while we were eating our meal we could see through the windows the snow was falling heavily. In fact within two hours there was nearly four inches of snow. My brother wanted me to stay over but I just wanted to get home, or see if I could get home.

It took me two and a half hours to drive 40 miles home, was quite scary and didn’t like it at all. The main roads were just slowly crawling along, but once I got to the M23 I managed to drive at 20 mph! Was relieved to be home once I got there. Sussex hadn’t had as much snow, well not until later that night. I woke up on Monday morning to a beautiful blanket of snow and decided that it was best I didn’t drive anywhere. Instead I went for a snow walk. Love walking in the snow, but not once it gets icy. I’m the kind of person who easily slips over nothing.
Ive been watching day time tv and scoffing a box of hand made chocolates I received as a gift. Plenty of hot drinks and fluffy socks and watching people slip sliding up and down the road outside are the order of the day.

Went and saw The Reader on Friday with my girlfriend D. Will pop up a review within the next few days.

Im hoping weather is better tomorrow as its my best friends birthday and looking forward to going to salsa with her and catching up. Only done one salsa lesson so far this year, need to catch up.

What a way to start February, hope your keeping warm and enjoying the snow.

x x x